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Doctoral Studies
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Adrián Aguirre is conducting doctoral studies at the department of Industrial Engineering at Polytechnic University of Madrid under the supervision of Prof. Carlos A. Méndez (UNL) and Prof. Alvaro Garcia (UPM).
Novel discrete event simulation model guides pipeline logistics
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Two scientific articles describing our novel simulation model to pipeline logistics were recently published in the Oil & Gas Journal (For details see publications link)
Most cited Paper in Computers and Chemical Engineering Journal
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The paper “State-of-the-art review of optimization methods for short-term scheduling of batch processes” by Méndez, C.A.; Cerdá, J.; Grossmann, I.E.; Harjunkoski, I.; Fahl, M. is the first one of the 10 most cited articles published in this journal in the last five years.
Call for Papers
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IJORIS special issue on “Applied Optimization & Computing”. Guest Editor: Dr. Carlos A. Méndez.
See details of this call for papers in:
Postdoctoral Studies
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Pablo Marchetti is conducting postdoctoral studies at the Center for Advanced Process Decision-making (CAPD) in Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Prof. Ignacio Grossmann.
International Workshop PASI 2011
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Jaime Cerdá y Vanina Cafaro attended the International Workshop “PASI 2011”, that took place in Angras dos Reis, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, July 19- 29, 2011.
International Workshop CYTED-HAROSA 2011
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Adrián Aguirre and Carlos Méndez attended the International CYTED-HAROSA Workshop & Meeting on Applied Optimization & Distributed Computing, that took place in Barcelona, Spain, July 18-19, 2011.